Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Help Launch Katie's Dream:
No Hungry Children

One Truly Amazing Kid

Congratulations to 10-year-old Katie Stagliano of Summerville,
South Carolina!

Katie is the winner of the Amazing Kids! "Launch My Dream!" T-Shirt Design Contest and is the March 2009 Amazing Kid! of the Month on the Amazing Kids! website (www.amazing-kids.org)!

As part of our new "Launch My Dream!" initiative
(www.amazing-kids.org/launchmydream.html), Amazing Kids! is helping Katie launch her dream of "No Hungry Children."

12 Million Hungry Children in America

Did you know that in the United States alone, an estimated 12 million children go to bed hungry each night? And sadly, in these difficult economic times we face today, the number of hungry children both in the United States and internationally is increasing.

A 40-Pound Cabbage Feeds 275 People

Get inspired and read Katie's incredible story at: www.amazing-kids.org/akom3-09.html#top.

You'll learn about how she grew a tiny seedling into an amazing 40-pound cabbage in her backyard, and how she donated it to a local soup kitchen and fed 275 people!

Katie's amazing dream is to help feed hungry children, with the ultimate goal of ending childhood hunger. But to help her dream come true, she needs our help!

Katie's Launch My Dream! T-Shirt and Hoodie

Amazing Kids!, along with our charity apparel partner verymeri.com, is selling Katie's "No Hungry Children" t-shirt and hoodie (seen pictured here) to raise money to support her dream.

10% of the proceeds go to support Katie's dream and will be donated to hunger relief organizations. An additional 10% goes to support the Amazing Kids!' "Launch My Dream!" initiative, which is helping kids like Katie launch their dreams for their amazing future.

You can help support Katie's wonderful cause by purchasing a Launch My Dream! "No Hungry Children" shirt or hoodie on the verymeri website: http://verymeri.com/collections/fundraising/products/amazing-kids-no-hungry-children

Launch My Dream! - The Spirit of Collaboration

The goal of Amazing Kids!' "Launch My Dream!" initiative is to help gather the resources that kids like Katie need to launch their amazing dreams for their future.

As such, Amazing Kids! is working in a collaborative effort with other non-profits, businesses (like verymeri.com), corporations, foundations and individuals , to insure that our children's future is a bright one.

Want to learn how you can help, or become a partner or sponsor? Visit the Launch My Dream! information page at: http://www.amazing-kids.org/launchmydream.html, or email us for more information: info@amazing-kids.org.

We look forward to working with you!

Calling All Kids!

Katie wants to encourage kids everywhere to grow vegetable seedlings in their backyard, or in a window box, so they can donate the vegetables to help fight childhood hunger. In her Amazing Kid! of the Month story, you will learn how she was able to enlist her entire school in her effort, and they are now planting a huge empty lot at their school with vegetables to feed the hungry in their community and to help feed students at their own school.

Parents can contact Katie to get advice about how their kids can get started through her Facebook page which her mother Stacy has set up: www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=48567540431

Parents must sign up for Facebook in order to be able to add a comment to Katie's page.

Get Your Very Own "No Hungry Children" T-Shirt or Hoodie!

Help support Katie's dream by getting your very own "No Hungry Children" t-shirt or hoodie designed by Katie here:


Thank you for helping us make Katie's beautiful dream, helping feed hungry children, come true!

Until next time...

Go out and do something Amazing today!

Alyse Rome
Amazing Kids! - Helping Kids Realize Their Potential, One Kid at a Time(TM)

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