Saturday, March 13, 2010

Get Wild! National Wildlife Week – March 15-21, 2010

Ah...Spring is in the air, and what better time of the year to enjoy the great outdoors than now? Amazing Kids! welcomes you to celebrate Spring by checking out these noteworthy events/articles!

Meet Aitan, young, budding environmentalist, and Amazing Kid! Of the Month! Not only has he helped many other children around the world realize how important it is to save the environment, but he’s created a movement to do it! Read all about amazing Aitan.

National Wildlife Week – March 15-21 – is fast approaching! If you and your parents want to “Be Out There” with the National Wildlife Foundation this upcoming week, there are some great, family friendly activities for kids of all ages on: Check it out!

New Great Outdoors Adventure! April Issue, coming soon! This April, be prepared to rollick down rapids with an amazing young kayaker, learn about the ways nature is both cool and wacky, and visit rocky slopes to barren oceans! Keep your eyes peeled...

American Girl Giveaway for Kids! Another exciting event is soon to take place here at Amazing Kids! – our Lanie Doll and Book giveaway, sponsored by American Girl! Check out the American Girl of the Year’s Site at:, then check back often for the giveaway of an official Lanie Doll and book for kids on our site (and an interview with the author of Lanie, Jane Kurtz!).

Have a great spring! Go do something amazing! :)

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